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Science Experiment Gone Wrong

This is why I hate Monday. The day my science experiment turned into a disaster…

My eyes felt heavy, unable to concentrate on my last period of school. It had been a long day; it may have been seven hours, but it felt like a whole year had passed. I heard my science teacher’s faint voice, “Are you listening to Matilda?” I looked glumly and blank. “MATILDA” she slammed her book on my desk and looked at me with her piercing blue eyes. “I’m sorry?” I replied confused. Everyone was laughing.

“Why don’t you leave this classroom and start in the science lab?”

I groaned, how was I going to get this done? I hastily ran out of the teacher’s sight. I grumbled as I poured some chemicals, powders and gasses. I also grabbed a mask, goggles, gloves a lab coat and other things. In a rush, I poured ONE OF THE MOST LIFE–THREATENING THINGS! I poured in peracetic acid. Then, a blue smoke arose, after coughing and choking on the blue air; out of the blue, was a plant with black petals and an evergreen stem.

“OH MY GOSH, I CREATED A NEW PLANT!” I exclaimed. I jumped in the air and then…

“MATILDA!”  My teacher screamed, “What on earth are you doing!”. I stood confidently, turned around, “AHHHH!!!” Then the plant was alive! I grabbed onto my teacher’s hand, trembling in fear. My teacher gasped in horror. We ran and went out the door.

While I was hyperventilating, in a blur, my teacher fainted, I saw a grin on the plant's face, as I peeked in. It had spumed poisonous smoke on my teacher’s face. “HELP!” I yelled. Luckily, my English teacher heard me and called for an ambulance.

Two hours later…

“And who was the suspect? Did you get any details?” The police officer asked concerned. I knew if I talked about the plant, they would not believe me so to spare trouble I said, “No. I was walking to the lab and saw her, so I asked for help” I calmly looked him in the eye. “Thanks, for your time.” He abruptly said.

Then in the corner of my naked eye, I saw the plant…

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